As an enterprise organization focused on operational efficiency, increased production, customer engagement, and meaningful growth as you navigate your digital transformation initiatives, you need a single source of truth where you can view insightful data and analytics about your entire ecosystem of internal and external constituents through an intuitive interface. Proactively evaluating your entire web of partners as they access your networks, applications, and data to help you meet your business objectives can reduce lead and delivery times, improve coordination, minimize working capital, and ultimately lead to improved margins, happier customers, and competitive advantage.

The Exostar Platform’s Business Intelligence Module™ provides a dashboard that tells you all you need to know. It can seamlessly report and correlate across multiple data sources, keeping you better informed on your business’s most important metrics and statuses. In concert with our Onboarding™, Secure Access™ and/or Applications Modules™, the dashboard delivers actionable insight into all workflows, results, alerts, and required tasks, promoting easier management and collaboration. Enterprises can analyze the performance of their external partners from a variety of perspectives, including price, fulfillment, or compliance requirements.



  • Increased visibility into all activities, including those involving external entities
  • Greater operational agility and competitive advantage
  • Enhanced customer engagement
  • Faster, better business results with robust data integration and analysis


  • Customizable dashboard based on prioritized data points
  • Multiple widget configurations for a user-defined experience
  • Clear visibility across all applications and collaborations
Digital team office