Exostar® Receives Kantara Initiative’s Identity Assurance Trust Framework Certification, Achieves Healthcare and Life Science Community Milestones
Latest Recognition Further Demonstrates Company Protects Customers’ Identity and Personal Data by Complying with NIST 800-63 Standard
HERNDON, VA, January 6, 2021 – Exostar®, the leader in trusted, secure business collaboration in aerospace and defense (A&D), life sciences, and healthcare, today announced it has been named a full service credential service provider by the Kantara Initiative. Kantara granted the Identity Assurance Trust Framework certification at Level of Assurance 3 (LOA 3), allowing Exostar® to seamlessly continue to align with mandates issued by the Drug Enforcement Agency for the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) by healthcare providers using Health IT systems.
“We are pleased to award Exostar® the Kantara Full Service Trust Mark of Approval signifying conformity with the Kantara Classic Class of Approval for digital identity requirements at LOA 3,” said Colin Wallis, executive director, Kantara Initiative. “This is a significant achievement and market differentiator for Exostar®. The Kantara assessment and review process is rigorous and approval demonstrates a company’s care and respect for its customers.”
With this additional identity-based certification, Exostar® becomes 1 of only 3 companies to achieve Kantara’s full service designation for its identity proofing, credentialing, and authentication capabilities. The accreditation follows an audit by a Kantara-approved third-party assessor spanning nearly 700 questions and requirements from the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s 800-63 standard and beyond, across categories including security, governance, infrastructure, operations, and finance.
The certification remains valid for 3 years. With it, Exostar® qualifies to work more closely with Kantara to define the future of identity and access management technology, specifically as it impacts highly-regulated industries like healthcare, life sciences, A&D, and banking, financial services, and insurance.
This newest recognition comes as Exostar® continues to extend its market leadership by leveraging its identity and access management platform and products to support critically-important secure business collaboration use cases in life sciences and healthcare. The firm’s Secure Access Manager™ anchors a community of over 15,000 life sciences organizations (including 10 of the 20 largest global pharmaceutical companies), connecting 400,000 users to more than 70 applications used in the conduct of clinical trials. Health IT vendors serving 75,000 physicians and other healthcare providers now rely on Exostar’s ProviderPass™ as part of the EPCS process for 2 million prescriptions per month and over 80 million prescriptions since the product’s inception.
“The Full Service Trust Mark of Approval from Kantara offers yet another independent validation of the quality, security, and compliance of our products and solutions. Our prospects and customers can connect their employees, partners, and applications to our communities with even greater confidence,” said Sudeep Dharan, Exostar’s® Chief Technology Officer. “As a result, we anticipate more rapid acceleration in the growth of our communities in the months ahead.”
About Exostar®
Exostar’s® cloud-based platform creates exclusive communities within highly-regulated industries where organizations securely collaborate, share information, and operate compliantly. Within these communities, we build trust. More than 135,000 aerospace and defense organizations and agencies in nearly 175 countries trust Exostar® to strengthen security, reduce expenditures, raise productivity, and help them achieve their missions. Ten of the top twenty global biopharmaceutical companies rely on Exostar® to help them speed new medicines and therapies to market. Exostar® is a Gartner Cool Vendor. For more information, please visit www.exostar.com, and follow Exostar® on LinkedIn and Twitter.
About Kantara Initiative
Kantara Initiative is the Global Trust Framework and Specification ‘commons’ whose mission is to grow and fulfill the market for trustworthy use of identity and personal data. Kantara provides real-world innovation through its development of specifications, applied R&D and conformity assessment programs for the digital identity and personal data ecosystems. More information is available at https://kantarainitiative.org/.
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Media Contacts:
Alan Gilbert
(703) 793-7735 (o)
(703) 624-4675 (m)
Bob Olson
Kantara Initiative
(978) 872-7120